You only need to schedule an appointment if you want an Interior Detail, Exterior Detail, Full Detail or Paint Correction.

You do not need to schedule an appointment for a Routine Foam Wash, Mini Detail, Mini Detail Plus or Motorcycle Wash.

The duration of the service will depend on the package you've selected and prior condition of the vehicle. Approximate service times are listed below the title of each service on our services page.
If you truly care about properly maintaining your vehicle, it is highly recommended to regularly have your car washed by hand. Doing so will help reduce the risk of paint scratching and will result in your car looking newer than ever.
Chances are, the answer is yes. The surface of your vehicle faces the harsh environment every time it's out in the elements. Each road trip can cause a build up from roadway debris, exhaust films, and airborne pollutants. Vehicles can accumulate these contaminants any time, any place - even at the dealership. The clay bar essentially smooths the paints texture. A wax is required after the clay treatment to protect the paint.
A sealant is a compound based polymer wax that protects cars from ultraviolet rays and other harsh elements. Paint sealants when applied after an Exterior Detail, will protect your exterior and keep your car shiny for up to 6 months.
It is advised to do maintenance routine washes because the more you let dirt and dust embed on your car, the faster the wax will be attacked and removed.
We only use high-quality wax from known detailing manufacturers to ensure maximum results. We either apply it by hand or with a high-speed polisher. The wax is then removed by hand using only microfiber towels.